SmartDC, A DC++ (p2p) Client. Want to be able to connect to a file-sharing network using your Windows Mobile device? Why not try out XDA forum member April32‘s SmartDC application?. SmartDC is a
30/04/2020 · DC or DC++ App for Android? Discussion in 'Android Apps & Games' started by Devz, Jul 26, 2010. Devz Well-Known Member. Thread Starter. I don't know how many of you are familiar with DC (Direct Connect) or DC++, which are programs used to connect to "hubs" of people. Package information. The DC++ distribution has three files: A Windows Installer that sets up DC++ for immediate usage on both 32 and 64 bit systems (into your Program Files folder, with shortcuts and user profile support). This file is of the form DCPlusPlus-###.exe. A binary archive that can be unzipped anywhere and is usable right away (portable version, without any shortcuts or registry Alternative a eMule per Windows, Linux, Mac, BSD, Android e altro ancora. Filtra per licenza per scoprire solo alternative gratuite o Open Source. Questo elenco contiene un totale di 23 app simili a eMule. eMule è un'applicazione gratuita per la condivisione di file peer-to-pe Download DC++ for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Latest Version 2020. 09/12/2019 · 8/10 (10 valutazioni) - Download DC++ gratis. DC++ è un client che permette il download dei file sfruttando le reti Direct Connect. Scarica gratis DC++ per cercare, trovare e scaricare musica e film. Anni fa, Jon Hess (di NeoModus) creò un sistema per scambiare file attraverso il popolare FTP,
10/12/2011 · So I've made an app for android phones (all phones 1.6 and up) that currently allows you to connect to multiple DC hubs and chat on them. Currently it only supports chat but im working on adding features and my goal is to have it support file transfers in the near future. Its available on the android market for a very small fee as AndroidDC. DC++ 0.68 Change Log Changed the user identification process completely to work better with ADC. This leads to a more strict interpretation of which users are actually the same for NMDC (essentially, NMDC users are now identified by nick+hub always, not only nick) Download DC++ - Share and download files using a DC network, start private conversations and adjust bandwidth limitations without burdening your system’s performance 12/02/2013 · Gadget DC+ (DC++ Client): Android app (4.3 ★, 1,000+ downloads) → Client for P2P networks based on NMDC and ADC protocols. New version 1.4 will be released in january 01/12/2009 · xda-developers General discussion General Stupid: DC++ Windows Mobile by AndyM3 XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding new functionality. 29/05/2011 · This is an introduction video to DC++ - a client for the Direct Connect Network. Transcript: ##### Hi and welcome to this introduction to DC++, a client for the Direct Connect Network I …
DC++. 316,587 Downloads. Official Website:; Company: N/A; Recently added version: DC++ 0.7091; Most Popular Version: DC++, scaricare e configurare DC++ in Italiano di Salvatore Aranzulla. Dopo 12 ore intense e sudate di ricerca su eMule e uTorrent, ti sei purtroppo reso conto che quel file che tanto volevi non ce l’ha nessuno. Hai passato al setaccio ogni singolo server e hai perquisito ogni singolo peer, ma è stato tutto vano. DC++ is a highly ranked piece of software among the projects hosted at Sourceforge. With more than fifty million downloads, new users continue to find benefits from the software every day. DC++ is free software, licensed under the GNU GPL 2. Download Android DC for free. Android DC is a NMDC compatable client written specifically for andoird phones. It allows you to connect to multiple hubs and supports main chat functions asell as private chat. Scarica l'ultima versione di DC++ per Windows. Filesharing in hubs and communities. DC (Direct Connect) is a decentralized information network whose main objective Download EiskaltDC++ for free. Program for filesharing using Direct Connect and ADC protocols. EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and ADC protocols. It is compatible with DC++, FlylinkDC++, LinuxDC++ and other DC clients.
NON PUOI SALVARE IL MONDO DA SOLO - Unisciti agli eroi della Justice League e ai tuoi supercriminali preferiti in un'epica battaglia con elementi da gioco di ruolo. Recluta eroi della Justice League come Batman, Superman, Flash o Wonder Woman, e vivi l'esperienza definitiva ispirata all'universo DC. Partecipa a scontri PvP carichi di azione, stringi alleanze per affrontare le squadre rivali e
download dc++ windows, dc++ windows, dc++ windows download free NON PUOI SALVARE IL MONDO DA SOLO - Unisciti agli eroi della Justice League e ai tuoi supercriminali preferiti in un'epica battaglia con elementi da gioco di ruolo. Recluta eroi della Justice League come Batman, Superman, Flash o Wonder Woman, e vivi l'esperienza definitiva ispirata all'universo DC. Partecipa a scontri PvP carichi di azione, stringi alleanze per affrontare le squadre rivali e DC++ Acceleration Patch è un programma che permette di migliorare le prestazioni del noto client per il file sharing DC++. In breve, utilizzando questo software gratuito, dovremo poter incrementare le velocità in download dei nostri file. Questo processo di ottimizzazione viene garantito dall’inserimento nel client di nuove fonti da cui poter scaricare più rapidamente. ApexDC++ (64-bit) 2020 full offline installer setup for PC ApexDC++ 64bit version is one of the most popular peer-to-peer file-sharing clients that is based upon StrongDC++ code package, giving users from all around the world streamlined way and large toolset … DC Government agencies are using mobile apps to connect with residents, share information and provide another channel for customer service. 09/12/2019 · Free Download DC++ latest version (2020) for Windows 10 PC and laptop: Open source client for Windows for the Direct Connect / Advanced Direct Connect network.